
Recovery Coaching

Recovery Coaching services offered by The Relapse Project are centered around our core model of "recovery enhancement." We understand that recovery is a dynamic and ongoing process, just as relapse is not a random occurrence but a complex interplay of various factors. 

The mystery of relapse can be difficult to understand, but through observation and oversight there are predictable warning signs to be mindful of. We recognize that relapse often stems from individuals disengaging from support, remaining resistant to change, and avoiding vulnerability. Through our recovery coaching approach, we aim to empower clients with therapeutic skills to enhance their recovery journey and increase pro-social and pro-recovery behaviors.

Our coaches work collaboratively with clients to develop personalized strategies that address their unique needs and equip them with tools to respond effectively to potential barriers that can lead to relapse. By fostering a safe and non-judgmental space, we encourage honesty, vulnerability, and self-reflection, allowing clients to better understand and manage their emotions. The Relapse Project is dedicated to providing the necessary resources and guidance to help individuals stay on their recovery path, cultivating resilience and creating lasting change.

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step-by-step guide:


Initial Consultation


Comprehensive Assessment:


Recovery Plan Development


Care Coordination


Clear and Concise Feedback


xExecution and Support


Regular Evaluation and Adjustment


Continuous Collaboration